<![CDATA[Bruce Gold's Spiritual Healings - Blog]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 02:53:04 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Healing Within]]>Thu, 25 Jun 2015 05:08:22 GMThttp://bgspiritualhealer.com/blog/healing-withinIn order to heal without, one must first heal within. What does that mean exactly? To heal within is to touch the very base from where the difficulty arises from. It's not exactly as simple as it looks or sounds. It takes a great amount of personal understanding and courage to accept that there are areas within ourselves that have never been healed. Most of these occurrences happen in our early childhood or even perhaps before we make it out of the womb. One must address areas of concern that are showing up in their present existence. A great many of those areas that need addressing are actually coming from the subconscious mind. There's nothing more important for one's betterment and advancement then to be totally and consciously living in the now. Meaning: the present moment.
